Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Veils

So it's the holidays and I have time to do things other than studying.. I saw this movie called Mr Brooks, it was very interesting. It's about a serial killer who claims he addicted to killing. I like to think that people have ultimate control over what they do, but I can sort of relate. I do things I shouldn't do even when I know they'll only hurt me. Maybe I don't see it at the time.

This is the song that was playing during the movie's best scene. I will not give it away; you'll have to watch the movie yourself.

The Veils - Vicious Traditions

'He grew a blood red vision for all their good intentions'

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Postmarks

Sometimes, I think too much about the past and get really upset about things that have already happened and there's nothing I can do about. I know this is a silly thing to do. I listen to this song because it makes me feel like I'm over what happened but truly I wouldn't need it if I was.

The Postmarks are great; the lead singer has dreamy voice that helps you lose touch with reality. The second is a very nice cover of the Ministry.

The Postmarks - Good Bye

The Postmarks - Every Day is Halloween

'I'll be gone when you open your eyes.'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Final Fantasy

I went to his concert without listening to much of his work and was blown away. The overhead show is not to be missed.

This is a lovely cover he did of Peach, Plum, Pear by Joanna Newsom.

Final Fantasy - Peach, Plum, Pear

'What was golden went gray and I'm suddenly shy.'

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Spinto Band

This is a nice band John introduced me to. Most of their songs are about love. This one is nice.

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been having roommate troubles and school work troubles and I've become obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist! An awesome graphic novel from Japan. but I've now read all 17 or so volumes and have no more excuse.

Spinto Band - Oh Mandy

'I got a gnome in the back yard.'

Sunday, November 4, 2007


In Rainbows came out of nowhere and it's all I've been listening to lately. Radiohead are the best.

Radiohead - House of Cards

'I don't want to be your friend; I just to be your lover.'

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Architecture in Helsinki

This is a lovely, whimsical band from Australia. I don't remember where I heard about them, but their music is always good to escape into another world.

This song makes me sad but also hopeful.

Architecture in Helsinki - The Owls Go

'Finding replacement with a heart sedated, I'll forget you'

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tahiti 80

I heard Tahiti 80 for the first time on Pandora. I think I like them because they're different. And a lot of their music makes me feel happy which is always a hit with me.

These are my two favourite songs by them. I can't decided which I like more so I'll post them both. They have many other good songs so be sure to pick up their albums.

Tahiti 80 - Mr Davies
Tahit 80 - John Steed

'And you, you don't know what you do.'

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bedouin Soundclash

I loooove the Bedouin Soundclash especially their singer's wonderfully boyish voice. I can't explain it, but I love it every time his voice cracks. Maybe because it makes me think he's giving his all no matter what which never fails to make me smile.

Bedouin Soundclash - St. Andrews

'Love come save me too.'

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Shins

I like The Shins because their music is so whimsical and fun! If you haven't, check out all their albums.

The Shins - Baby Boomerang

'Talking with your boots and you're walking with your mouth.'

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


5 or so years ago, I went through a big 'less is more phase' when it came to music. I really like music that was simple and good so that it didn't have to hid behind special effects or anything. (Kings of Convenience, Sondre Lerche, Elliott Smith..)

But in the past year or so, I've been getting more into music with many layers. (I don't know if that is correct music terminology...) I think that I was unfairly biased towards this kind of music before. It's a challenge in itself to balance many sounds and come out with something that doesn't sound over powering. I've found this in artists like Final Fantasy, Radiohead and this artist, Beirut. His music for me, always seems to be on the verge of being overpowering but never crosses the line, just reaping all the benefits of its richness.

Beirut - Transatlantique

'Midnight surrounds you, the moonlight makes you proud.'

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Everyone's heard of Bjork. Credit for finally getting me to listen to her music goes to my friend Henry this time. I think she's fantastic. The best word I could use to describe her is an original, the original.

This is my favourite of hers. I like it because when I hear it, I feel like there's some hope left in the world. And when you push all things you think are horrible away, you're only missing the beauty that is there.

Bjork - All Is Full of Love

'Your phone is off the hook...'

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Metric's another great Canadian band. They're pretty well known, so I think I need to talk about them much, but I like them because their music is upbeat and incites in me the urge to dance. I specifically love their first LP Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?. Check it out if you haven't already.

My friend John told me about this song. It makes me think of summer which makes me smile.

Metric - Down

'After tonight another day, a chance to feel another way.'

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Eliott Smith

The first time I heard Elliott Smith was at the announcement of his death. Its always made me sad that I never knew of such an amazing artist while he was alive, but I also feel like the way I knew his music followed the way his music moves me.

Everything he writes is beautiful and heart-breaking, like a good Shakespearian tragedy. He's a master at conveying emotion through his music.

This is my favourite song by him and possibly my favourite song, and is also one of the saddest.

Elliott Smith- Between the Bars

'Drink up baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again between the bars'

Monday, August 13, 2007


This is a band I found on Pandora.

To be honest, I'm not too big on their other works, but this song is fantastic. It has tons of energy, listening to it makes me smile. And when I listen to it, I see bright orange. I can't think of a reason for this. If anyone can think of why this might be, leave a comment

Guillemots - Trains to Brazil

' Can't you live and be thankful you're here?'

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

I first heard about this band when George Stroumbolopoulos interviewed them. They said nothing but 'um' and 'I don't know' for the entire interview. I thought it was funny and looked them up. They've since become one of my favourites and continue to be the best live show I've ever witnessed.

Their music is very dark in both lyrics and sound. Hollow body instruments are used almost exclusively adding an airy, difficult to grasp feel to their music.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Mercy
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Mercy (You Tube)

'I'm just a painful reminder of another day you leave behind.'

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

John Mayer

What I love about John Mayer is that his music is so soft, but not in a quiet sort of way. What I mean when I say that is that listening to him is like touching cashmere or lying in bed on a rainy day, it's such a pleasant, serene feeling that it's hard stop.

I didn't even recognize this cover when I first heard it. John Mayer maintains the haunting nature that the song, like many other radiohead songs possess, but turns it into something completely unlike the original. I've also never heard a good radiohead cover before which give further credibility to John Mayer's talent, even he does seem like a bit of a prat.

John Mayer - Kid A (radiohead cover)

'Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed...'

Monday, August 6, 2007


This is a great band introduced to me by an old friend and forgotten.. Again by my boyfriend and forgotten and finally again randomly while on hype machine.

This is a lovely song about higher beings I think...

Guster - Long Way Down

'Dreamt I was dead sleeping in your bed, floating up from the ground and looked down...'

Thursday, August 2, 2007


This is an artist from my home country! I heard about her through the Kings of Convenience, but she quickly grew into one of my favourites. One of my favourite things about her music is that her lyrics are so easy to relate to.. I think it might have something to do with her being one of the few female artists I listen to.

If you haven't checked out her new LP The Reminder, do so right now!

I guess that this song is pretty universally relatable, everyone does selfish things at some point. But not everyone admits to them. I'm pretty sure you'd behard pressed to find a guy singing about being sorry.

Feist - So Sorry

'So selfish, two words that could descibe, oh, actions of mine, when patience is in short supply'

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stephen Malkmus

I heard about him from the wonderful Pandora. I never really got into Pavement, but this song has always been one of my favourites since I first heard it.

When I listen to it, I always think about animal-like but really man shaped creatures around a fire looking scary at night. That's mostly just because of the name...

Stephen Malkmus - Animal Midnight

'and you, you don't see me, cause you, you won't change...'

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Silverchair were the band of my youth. It's sounds totally corny, but I don't think I would be the person I am today without them. Well okay, maybe. But, they certainly triggered my veganism.

When I first started listening to them, I love them because I could really relate to their lyrics and was quite frankly madly in love with Daniel Johns. But, growing past that, their music continues to inspire. What I've loved about their past two albums is that when I listen to them, I see colours. I don't know if this is because both their album covers are so colourful or because it's embedded in their music somehow.

This song makes me feel like I'm rolling through a landscape with bright yellow skies and lime green foliage with pink berries.

silverchair - Waiting All Day

'Long days are almost here, faded sign for you.'

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cat Empire

I kept seeing posters for this concert around town and their little symbol really reminds me of the Legend of Zelda, and I love the Legend of Zelda, so I decided that I would have to check them out.

They turned out to play really nice, fun, and easy going music, the way I wish I was all the time.

If I'm lucky, maybe I'll find someone to to go to the concert with now...

This is a really cute song.

Cat Empire - Two Shoes

'My mouth it's got a great big smile that shows some great big teeth, to friends it brings a happiness and to enemies it means defeat'

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


My friend John should really start his own blog because half the music I listen to now is from him. This is a wonderful band from Texas. I haven't listened to them extensively, but I loved all the songs I've heard. Their song are all just so catchy and easy to listen to. I like the time I spend relaxing to be easy.

This is great song that reminds me somewhat of David Bowie.

Okay, so I couldn't decide on just one song. This is another great song; I always find it hard to stop myself from bobbing my head when I listen to it at work.

Spoon - Everything Hits At Once
Spoon - Monkey Feelings

'I go to sleep alone but think that you're next to me...'

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Boy Least Likely To

This is my favourite band that I haven't discovered more than 3 years ago. Rollingstone named them one of the best new artists last year and I happened to read the article.

I'm pretty sure I'm terrified of growing up and their music helps slow me down a little with their fanciful instrument choices and colourful lyrics.

Even if you're not like me and are comfortable with your age, this music will never fail to cheer you up. So, make sure you check out their LP The Best Party Ever.

I won't lie either, I have a huge weakness for the banjo. This won't be the last banjo playing band to make an appearance on this blog.

The Boy Least - Rock Upon a Porch With You

'I just want to quietly, collect up my cavalry, curl up into a little ball, and plot my revenge.'

Friday, July 6, 2007

Little Brazil

This is a super cute band I found off another music blog. I really like this song. It's very happy and carefree. There's lots of bop bop bops and stuff. Their other stuff is very reminiscent of Weezer.

Little Brazil - You and Me

'Then we can take a trip to the sea, so happily...'

Sebastien Granger

I have just realize this picture is slightly obscene... I hope no one is too offended.

Another shout out to John for introducing me to this band. It's one of the member of Death From Above 1979. I never really liked them because I found they used too much distortion but this is nice. It's the type of thing you could dance to, or at least bob your head to...

I can't find any good mps, so check out their MySpace page.

Sebastian Grainger MySpace

Bishop Allen

This is a nice song I found off someone else's music blog. I like it because it's nice and upbeat.

I was listening to it at work and suddenly realized my headphones had come partly out and it was playing out loud! For something like three songs, ugh. So loser-like... Luckily, my only coworker who was in the lab at the time was nice and just said that he was enjoying it.

Bishop Allen - Rain

'Let the rain fall down and wash this world away...'

PS Shout out to John in PEI for the comment! I'm using Summerside's wind data in my research for no reason other than it has a pretty name! I love and adore comments.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

de Capulet

I realized that my blog doesn't have enough pictures... It looks so dreary and depressed. I need to liven things up.

This is song that's no longer really around. It's by a small band in Arizona who no longer make music I appreciate much, but this is the song I think of when I picture my highschool days and the silly, innocent love I used to feel. So, it was a 'must post'. It's called 'Man in a Wheel'

de Capulet - Man in a Wheel

'I can see right through you like you see right through me...'

Dappled Cities

Hopefully, I've come back down to Earth and will update regularly. But today, I've been downloading wind data for 6 hours, so I might be procrastinating and my Zoroastrian friend brought me chocolate from Germany, so I might be uncommonly happier than normal. But, we'll hope this keeps up.

Dappled Cities is a lovely band from Australia. Their peculiar lyrics and vocalist's soft pretty voice are what caught my attention. 'Chameleon Girl' is another great song that you should look out for.

Dappled Cities - Fire, Fire, Fire

'You're not a fire so I will not dance in you...'

Jason Bajada

Okay, so I've terrible about updating. My mind has been on the moon lately.

I recently discovered another beautiful song by Jason Bajada called 'Sad Song About You #2'. I first heard it live and it was better because he seemed to be singing with more emotion, but the recorded version is good too. Also make sure you check out his album, Up Go the Arms it's really good.

It's the first song on his MySpace page.

Jason Bajada - Sad Song About You #2 (first on the playlist)

'Like a drum, my head is the loudest one...'

Monday, June 11, 2007

Kings of Convenience

Okay, so I think I've found a way to put music up. Annnd here's your first song. It's my favourite song by my favourite band, but not my favourite song. Do you understand me? I meant that it's not my favourite song ever. I'm so very bad at communication. There is a delicate balance between too much information and not enough. I can never find this.

My favourite band is the Kings of Convenience from Norway. They're simply fantastic. If you haven't, you should pick up both their CDs, Riot on an Empty Street and Quiet Is the New Loud. The song is 'Live Long'.

Kings of Convenience - Live Long

'against the evening sky a formation, a million blackbirds looking like one.'

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This is Samantha's blog which was inspired by John and Andrew.

It's a music blog, so here's your first taste. Yum.

Oh, I see... So, it looks like I'll have to find someplace else to host my files. You'll have to wait then. : )