Monday, June 11, 2007

Kings of Convenience

Okay, so I think I've found a way to put music up. Annnd here's your first song. It's my favourite song by my favourite band, but not my favourite song. Do you understand me? I meant that it's not my favourite song ever. I'm so very bad at communication. There is a delicate balance between too much information and not enough. I can never find this.

My favourite band is the Kings of Convenience from Norway. They're simply fantastic. If you haven't, you should pick up both their CDs, Riot on an Empty Street and Quiet Is the New Loud. The song is 'Live Long'.

Kings of Convenience - Live Long

'against the evening sky a formation, a million blackbirds looking like one.'

1 comment:

john said...

I don't think it worked. I can't figure out how to get the song. You sure this worked? Anyway keep posting because I actually do check this thing. I have it bookmarked under music... because its about music... yes... I think thats enough commenting fun for now.