Tuesday, September 11, 2007


5 or so years ago, I went through a big 'less is more phase' when it came to music. I really like music that was simple and good so that it didn't have to hid behind special effects or anything. (Kings of Convenience, Sondre Lerche, Elliott Smith..)

But in the past year or so, I've been getting more into music with many layers. (I don't know if that is correct music terminology...) I think that I was unfairly biased towards this kind of music before. It's a challenge in itself to balance many sounds and come out with something that doesn't sound over powering. I've found this in artists like Final Fantasy, Radiohead and this artist, Beirut. His music for me, always seems to be on the verge of being overpowering but never crosses the line, just reaping all the benefits of its richness.

Beirut - Transatlantique

'Midnight surrounds you, the moonlight makes you proud.'


john said...

Hooray for updates. I still read this even if you only live through the wall.

You forgot to mention how we are going to see him in exactly 2 weeks today.

parr-a-pluie said...
