Friday, July 6, 2007

Bishop Allen

This is a nice song I found off someone else's music blog. I like it because it's nice and upbeat.

I was listening to it at work and suddenly realized my headphones had come partly out and it was playing out loud! For something like three songs, ugh. So loser-like... Luckily, my only coworker who was in the lab at the time was nice and just said that he was enjoying it.

Bishop Allen - Rain

'Let the rain fall down and wash this world away...'

PS Shout out to John in PEI for the comment! I'm using Summerside's wind data in my research for no reason other than it has a pretty name! I love and adore comments.

1 comment:

john said...

Holy Mega postings, batman. When did you get mad blogging skillz. Pictures and songs, its so fancy now. I like it. Anyway keep up the good work. Even if no one else reads the blog, I will. I will appreciate your skillz. You should listen to some other bishop allen songs because I haven't and don't know if they are any good and would like to know.

P.S. I'll have to send you some pictures of Summerside sometime. Its very quaint... in the summer.