Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stephen Malkmus

I heard about him from the wonderful Pandora. I never really got into Pavement, but this song has always been one of my favourites since I first heard it.

When I listen to it, I always think about animal-like but really man shaped creatures around a fire looking scary at night. That's mostly just because of the name...

Stephen Malkmus - Animal Midnight

'and you, you don't see me, cause you, you won't change...'

1 comment:

john said...

This song is really good. I think I just like anything that Stephen Malkmus touches or thinks about touching... Also how can you possible not really like pavement? Blasphemy! I'll have to try and change that when I get back to school. Have you heard anything off of his latest album.. I'd suggest pencil rot . Its pretty good.