Friday, November 28, 2008

Janelle Monàe

What a lovely voice and an original concept.

Janelle Monàe - Sincerely, Jane.

'The truth hurts, and so does yesterday.'

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nouvelle Vague

I have been greatly distracted by Europe's beauty and haven't been exploring the creative part of my soul nearly as much as I should be in the past few months. But, a friend I found on my journeys did inspire me long enough to find this band. A french cover band that plays New Wave songs in Bossa Nova style. Some of the most beautiful sounds my ear have ever had the fortune of hearing...

Nouvelle Vague (The Cure) - A Forest
Nouvelle Vague - In a Manner of Speaking (MySpace)

'The girl was never there. It's always the same'