Saturday, August 25, 2007


Everyone's heard of Bjork. Credit for finally getting me to listen to her music goes to my friend Henry this time. I think she's fantastic. The best word I could use to describe her is an original, the original.

This is my favourite of hers. I like it because when I hear it, I feel like there's some hope left in the world. And when you push all things you think are horrible away, you're only missing the beauty that is there.

Bjork - All Is Full of Love

'Your phone is off the hook...'

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Metric's another great Canadian band. They're pretty well known, so I think I need to talk about them much, but I like them because their music is upbeat and incites in me the urge to dance. I specifically love their first LP Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?. Check it out if you haven't already.

My friend John told me about this song. It makes me think of summer which makes me smile.

Metric - Down

'After tonight another day, a chance to feel another way.'

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Eliott Smith

The first time I heard Elliott Smith was at the announcement of his death. Its always made me sad that I never knew of such an amazing artist while he was alive, but I also feel like the way I knew his music followed the way his music moves me.

Everything he writes is beautiful and heart-breaking, like a good Shakespearian tragedy. He's a master at conveying emotion through his music.

This is my favourite song by him and possibly my favourite song, and is also one of the saddest.

Elliott Smith- Between the Bars

'Drink up baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again between the bars'

Monday, August 13, 2007


This is a band I found on Pandora.

To be honest, I'm not too big on their other works, but this song is fantastic. It has tons of energy, listening to it makes me smile. And when I listen to it, I see bright orange. I can't think of a reason for this. If anyone can think of why this might be, leave a comment

Guillemots - Trains to Brazil

' Can't you live and be thankful you're here?'

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

I first heard about this band when George Stroumbolopoulos interviewed them. They said nothing but 'um' and 'I don't know' for the entire interview. I thought it was funny and looked them up. They've since become one of my favourites and continue to be the best live show I've ever witnessed.

Their music is very dark in both lyrics and sound. Hollow body instruments are used almost exclusively adding an airy, difficult to grasp feel to their music.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Mercy
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Mercy (You Tube)

'I'm just a painful reminder of another day you leave behind.'

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

John Mayer

What I love about John Mayer is that his music is so soft, but not in a quiet sort of way. What I mean when I say that is that listening to him is like touching cashmere or lying in bed on a rainy day, it's such a pleasant, serene feeling that it's hard stop.

I didn't even recognize this cover when I first heard it. John Mayer maintains the haunting nature that the song, like many other radiohead songs possess, but turns it into something completely unlike the original. I've also never heard a good radiohead cover before which give further credibility to John Mayer's talent, even he does seem like a bit of a prat.

John Mayer - Kid A (radiohead cover)

'Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed...'

Monday, August 6, 2007


This is a great band introduced to me by an old friend and forgotten.. Again by my boyfriend and forgotten and finally again randomly while on hype machine.

This is a lovely song about higher beings I think...

Guster - Long Way Down

'Dreamt I was dead sleeping in your bed, floating up from the ground and looked down...'

Thursday, August 2, 2007


This is an artist from my home country! I heard about her through the Kings of Convenience, but she quickly grew into one of my favourites. One of my favourite things about her music is that her lyrics are so easy to relate to.. I think it might have something to do with her being one of the few female artists I listen to.

If you haven't checked out her new LP The Reminder, do so right now!

I guess that this song is pretty universally relatable, everyone does selfish things at some point. But not everyone admits to them. I'm pretty sure you'd behard pressed to find a guy singing about being sorry.

Feist - So Sorry

'So selfish, two words that could descibe, oh, actions of mine, when patience is in short supply'