Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Whitest Boy Alive

I saw these guys in Zurich and they were amazing. You may recognize Erlend from the Kings of Convenience.

'Hey you we just got started you can't end this now'

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The xx

I just went to see these guys two days ago. They are amazing. It's a shame that they lost a member. :(

'The more I see I understand, but sometimes I still need you.'

Friday, November 28, 2008

Janelle Monàe

What a lovely voice and an original concept.

Janelle Monàe - Sincerely, Jane.

'The truth hurts, and so does yesterday.'

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nouvelle Vague

I have been greatly distracted by Europe's beauty and haven't been exploring the creative part of my soul nearly as much as I should be in the past few months. But, a friend I found on my journeys did inspire me long enough to find this band. A french cover band that plays New Wave songs in Bossa Nova style. Some of the most beautiful sounds my ear have ever had the fortune of hearing...

Nouvelle Vague (The Cure) - A Forest
Nouvelle Vague - In a Manner of Speaking (MySpace)

'The girl was never there. It's always the same'

Sunday, May 25, 2008


When I was younger, I wasn't too into the Gorillaz, but their newest album Demon Days is nice. My boyfriend got me into it. It's very science fiction.

Gorillaz - Kids with Guns (on The Canals)

'It's all desire.'


I'm in Switzerland for a year and I'm not too sure what the laws are like here regarding music sharing. I would hate to be kicked out so I might to put this blog on hold for one year. Or maybe I will just make suggestions ...


Ah so it would appear to be illegal here to upload files. I will maybe just post links to other blogs.

For the record I think everyone should support artists they like and buy albums and especially try and go to their concerts because the artists get the most of those proceeds. This blog is just meant to give everyone a taste so that they end up going out and buying the records. Ah such an ethically fuzzy area...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Regina Spektor

I discovered Regina Spektor from Strut magazine. I don't really like magazines because I find once you finished them, nothing much has happened and it's all gone by too fast. But I used to work at an assembly plant over the summer so I was desperate for reading material for breaks.

ANYWAY, this was one issue I was happy to purchase. I also discovered Sound Team from this issue.

Regina Spektor is good because every song is different. Some not so good, but mostly really, really good. If you haven't already, also check out Fidelity and On the Radio.

Regina Spektor - Us

'We're living in a den of thieves.'

Monday, April 14, 2008


This is another band I heard about from Pandora. I don't like all their music, but this song is good. I always makes me do the robot dance.

Grandaddy - Stray Dog and the Chocolate Shake

'Do do do do do do do do do do do do do...'

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Third Eye Blind

Wow, I haven't added a song in so long. I keep getting these warnings from the website I use to upload songs telling me they're going to delete my account because I don't use it enough. So I had better get using it again!

This is a band I used to love waay back when I was 12 or 13. Maybe even younger. I rediscovered them again recently and they're still really good. Well the songs from the time anyway; I don't really like their new stuff.

Third Eye Blind - I Want You

'People always take a step away from what is true. That's why I like you around...'

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I heard about this band from another blog which maybe you have not visited so now I will pass them onto you. I like them a lot and all their music is good, (unlike some bands who only have a few good songs) so I think it would be a good investment to buy all their albums.

This song takes a while to get going, but when it does, it's does.. so give it a chance.

Headlights - School Boys

'Quiet's all we know.'